$15.00 - On Sale
Legal forms are important for any business owner. What are they? They are contracts, release forms, and model forms. Each of these are important for customers to have in order for you to make a sale and cover your end.
Contracts- What if the customer didnt know how long the images would be ready until - or they require a deposit - or you delete the image you don't like. The customer signs the contract stating that they understand each of these (& many more) so when they realize theres only 4 images, where did the rest go - they don't get upset.
Release forms- the customer wants to reproduce the image at Walmart, but cant print them until they get a form from you with your signature and approval. Or what if the images are lower quality images that need to be printed, but had no idea and thought they were paying for high resolution?
Model forms- You want to use that GREAT image you took, but you cant just use it for redistrubtion without their consent. They need to sign it stating you can use that image. Regardless if you took that image - it is still in their rights when they are in that image.
Set of 3 templates: contract, release form, and CD release form.
Reg $32.00!